The following are my casting "dream picks" for the cinematic adaptation of Day Zero.
With over 180 named characters and almost countless undead walkers, there will be plenty of acting opportunities!

Sergeant John Walken
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Affiliations: United States Marine Corps, Scout Sniper
A career United States Marine Corp Special-Ops sniper, Sergeant John Walken was injured during an operation in Afghanistan. Shipped stateside after several weeks of recovery, Walken starts hitchhiking home. Picked up by a retired Marine named Sebastian, they make their way to the community of Rainier Island. While Sebastian delivers gasoline to a local station, Walken grabs a bit of lunch. Soon, a young girl staggers into the town plaza. She makes her way across the lawn and attacks one of the residents.
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 131 lbs.
Affiliations: United States Army
An Army brat, Lucy Greenfield spent most of her time on base around the country under the guidance of her General father. She is proficient with small arms weapon systems and is a capable fighter. Lucy found herself caught on Rainier Island after the barricades went up while trying to exchange boxes full of book for credit for books she hadn't read before.
Height: 14"
Weight: 19 lbs.
Affiliations: Rabid canine pack
Hailing from parts unknown before the outbreak, Holly was named by Lucy after the dog helped to defend an island barricade from an onslaught by a pack of rabid/infectious canines. When not defending against the walker hordes, the dog spends most of her days wandering the island, chasing after kids, small rodents and butterflies.
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 223 lbs.
Affiliations: Rainier Island Sheriff Department
Sheriff of Rainier Island, Frank Wayne has held the position for several years. The voice of reason and force for the community, he is a man not to be triffled with. On Day Zero, the sheriff was on the mainland in battles against the recently risen undead.
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 171 lbs.
Affiliations: University of New England
A lifelong resident of Rainier Island, William dedicated his life to medicine and helping people. Versed in both rural veterinary and pediatrics, Dr. Rawlings works out of an expanded home office with his assistant Basia.
Harlan "Diggs" Dickerson
Pete was not born on Rainier Island, but spent enough summers on the island as a child to be considered a resident. An avid hunter, fisherman and gun enthusiast, he filled a need for the community by opening up shop. Cranky more often than not, the other island residents see Pete as a lovable curmudgeon.
Caught up in the metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts area during the first days of the outbreak, Professor led a group of survivors out of the cities, picking up other people along the way. He and his group decide that traveling to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia is their best option.
More characters to come...
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Affiliations: Oceanside Diner
After her husband's death, Carol moved from waitressing to full-time operations of the Oceanside Diner. A life-long resident of Rainier Island, Carol is best friends with Sheriff Wayne and his wife Glenda, learning a thing or two about pistols and shotguns from them.
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Affiliations: Dickerson Farms
Another life-long island resident, the hulk that is Harlan Dickerson spends most of his time divided between his working farm and handyman chores around the community. He earned the nickname "Diggs" as a result of spending time on a road crew shoveling ditches along Route 5 on the Main.
Assigned to the three-man sniper team with with Sergeant Walken and Corporal Peters, Rosalita enjoys a more personal relationship with her team leader. An excellent sniper spotter, she followed a family tradition of Marines, becoming the first woman in the family to enlist.
Not much is known about the Lieutenant Colonel before he arrives on the bridge to Rainier Island. He commands a well-trained and well-armed military force, complete with armored vehicles and heavy weapons.