Friday, November 21, 2014

Winter of Zombie Blog Tour 2014 Lots of Carnage

The stench of frozen rotted meat is in the air! Welcome to the Winter of Zombie Blog Tour 2014, with 10 of the best zombie authors spreading the disease in the month of November.

Stop by the event page on Facebook so you don't miss an interview, guest post or teaser… and pick up some great swag as well! Giveaways galore from most of the authors as well as interaction with them! #WinterZombie2014. And so you don't miss any of the posts in November, here's the complete list, updated daily!

The good, the bad, and the apocalypse.

After writing nearly three quarters of a million words on the apocalypse, one thing has become very apparent to me. Along with the horror of dwindling resources, the shambling undead, the chaos, and the death … I’m convinced some good will come of the apocalypse.

Don’t believe me? Read on Macduff.

When the ash settles and humankind finally settings into a post apocalyptic rhythm, there will be a few wonderful new elements of existence that will finally come to life. What these things will be effect, in one way or another, every single living human on the planet (undead need not apply).
1 The dissolving of corrupt governments. Let’s face it, we live in a world of corruption that starts at the bottom and runs all the way to the top. Although the apocalypse may not disrupt everyman corruption, it will completely disrupt those ruling the country with their own back pockets and power in mind. How? In a word, chaos. You’ve seen it in any given Mad Maxian film … chaos will topple the governments. When that happens, the people will, for the first time in a very long time, control their own fates.  Take a moment and imagine what the outcome for that scenario will be. Don’t worry … I’ll wait.

Got it?

The idea of a government-less world is both frightening and inviting. Come the apocalypse, we’ll find out.

2 A CEO-less planet. I probably don’t need to expound on this idea. I will anyway. In 2013, the CEO-to-worker pay ratio was 331:1. Once the apocalypse hits, that ratio will be 1:1. Not that money will actually have any bearing on life when the virus takes hold, but levelling that playing field, no matter the relevancy, will feel so very good. Imagine walking up to the CEO with fat wad of cash and burning it right in front of him. Yeah … that’s the stuff of dreams.

Suck it, fat cat!

3 B’bye selfie. Yeah … this. And the meme. Ya know, “Keep calm and zombie on!” The apocalypse will wipe this shit out without batting an eye. It won’t be until human nature kicks back in and someone decides that taking selfies with zombies should be the “new black” that we’ll get sucked back into that whirlpool of self-indulgent doom.

Or not. Until then, keep your smartphone (and your crowbar) handy!

4 Mother Nature wins. At our present rate, humankind will strip the Earth of its resources. Then what? Colonize the moon? Should the apocalypse come at the right time, our raping of the planet will cease and it’ll have the time necessary to heal. Climate change will slow, natural resources might have the opportunity to replenish. In other words – every bad thing the consumerist monster has done will finally get the change for a reversal of misfortune. Add to this, the overwhelming sea of people that overpopulate the planet will recede to a more manageable number.

In other words … Mother Nature gets to kick us in the junk and reclaim her throne.

5 Say goodbye to the monster named “media”. The media is responsible for a lot that is wrong in the world. They are masters at redirecting attention away from what is truly important and focusing on issues that really should have little to no bearing on the world around us. When the apocalypse comes, the media (as it is) will vanish. Gone will be the likes of TMZ and Fox news. In its place will (hopefully) arise a new media designed to do one thing – keep us all informed. This was the original intent of the news, until someone realized a profit could be made with buzzwords, SEO, and misleading headlines. All that will be no more. Why? Because the only currency worth a damn in the apocalypse is survival. This will have the added bonus of riding us of the likes of Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, etc. – people famous just for being famous. Those media “darlings” will starve to death in a world where no one gives a damn about how big their asses are, how tight their tummies are, how much money they spent on a dress, or what sex tape they were currently working on.

Doesn’t that sound like a world you’d want to live in?

All in all, the apocalypse is sounding better and better – and this is only scratching the surface. Yes, there will be hardship a plenty. But so much of what makes today so irritating will vanish. Humanity might finally get the reboot it so desperately needs.

What do you think? Can the apocalypse be a good thing?


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